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OSITRAN (for its acronym in Spanish) is the Supervising Organism of Investment in Infrastructure for Public Transport. It is a public, decentralized organism attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with administrative, functional, technical, economic, and financial autonomy. Its general objective is to regulate, supervise and oversee the norms within its competence and the behaviors of the markets in which the lending entities act, as well as the compliance of concession contracts, impartially and objectively guarding the interests of the State, investors, and users. Para mayor información relacionada a las funciones de este organismo usted puede visitar www.ositran.gob.pe

For more information related to the functions of this organism, you can visit

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In accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of subparagraph c) of paragraph 6.3 of Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 1372 paragraph 6.3, article 6, paragraph 6.3 of Legislative Decree No. 1372 and in paragraph 7.3 of article 7 of Supreme Decree No. 003-2019-EF. 003-2019-EF, it is hereby communicated that LIMA AIRPORT PARTNERS S.R.L. has made the reasonable reasonable mechanisms to obtain the information from the beneficiary final of the beneficiary final, considering the criteria of ownership and control control criteria provided for in paragraphs a) and b) of paragraph 4.1 of Article 4 of article 4 of Legislative Decree 1372 and in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.4 of its 5.4 of its Regulations and documented these, respectively. Without However, it has not been possible to identify the final beneficiary under the criteria indicated in the preceding paragraph. the criteria indicated in the preceding paragraph, and therefore we have the natural persons who occupy the senior administrative positions. who occupy senior management positions.